Hello, I’ve been in Suffolk for the week working on some oil pastel sketches and I have one favourite that I thought I’d share with you. I’m always in Suffolk, although I live in Bedfordshire. But one day when both my (adult) children have flown the nest I shall move!

This oil pastel sketch is of Snape Marshes, a view from a walk I do from Snape Maltings. I find Suffolk marshland very atmospheric and something you can get fully, emotionally lost in.

I will frame this original but I’m also going to do a very small run of prints from it. Just five to be exact so if you are interested please send me a message. They will be going onto my store soon.
I’ll be back home shortly and will be working on some ceramics for my next fair which is The Dorset Brocante on the 10th & 11th of November. This will be the last fair of the season for me. Tickets available now through The Dorset Brocante.