I love making these planters for the new year! They bring so much joy after Christmas when things can feel a little flat. Really easy and relatively cheap to assemble too. If you don’t have a glass vase like this one then a vintage terrine or old tins also work well.
You will need a hurricane lamp, small stones, bulbs of your choice and moss.
Start by adding a layer of stones or grit to about a depth of 1 inch, then separate the bulbs slightly and untangle the roots (trim if need be) and arrange them directly onto the stones. Next add moss, firming into gaps and covering the surface of the bulbs. Water sparingly! I’ve added a candle to mine but be careful where it’s placed so you don’t burn the flowers.
These indoor planters last really well but also need somewhere out of direct heat, like a cool shelf.
Simple and jolly.
Happy New Year ✨