November is a time for candlelight and celebrating the last of the autumn tones and textures before winter take hold. I love this season, it feels quiet and gentle but there is a slow excitement starting to bubble as thoughts begin to turn to Christmas. I’ve been spending as much time outdoors as possible, taking every opportunity to gather things from the garden and spend some time each week making something lovely and simply switching off for 45 minutes.

I’ve been in the studio painting and making ceramics for my online shop. My work is tactile and organic, the pieces are made by pressing porcelain clay into shape, it’s very therapeutic. My latest collection can be viewed now and I’ll be making up until the beginning of December when workshops will then start to take place.

November is the time for catching up with friends before it all becomes too hectic.

I still have dahlias blooming. They are straggly but still blooming, can you believe it. It will soon be time to dig them up though- after the first frosts catch them and turn them black.

I’ve just released my first workshop in the garden for Christmas. It’s on Sunday the 8th of December where you can join me to forage in my garden and make a table arrangement.

This workshop is a small gathering and a very calm and pleasurable way to spend a Sunday afternoon amongst the build up to Christmas. Search workshops from the menu to read more about it.
Emma x