October Vibes

October Vibes

Hello my flower loving friends, 
As we fall into October it’s been a rather soggy start. The garden is still beautiful in that it’s starting to change colour, the trees are looking beautiful and the squirrels are dashing about bashing their nuts on my studio roof. I have been snipping flowers between the showers and enjoying what’s left of the dahlias.
Sneaking sweet treats in when it’s been to wet to do much else has been my saviour. Heading into my local town and choosing between my favourite coffee shops - Coffee Lab for when I want to catch up with blog posts and Neighbourhood Bakes for cute cups and pretty cakes (shown above). These little treats keep me sane as the thought of winter creeps in.
Fire pit days with hot chocolate are also high on my autumn list, getting as many of these in as I can!
And I’ve also been in my studio working on a large painting and creating a new pottery collection called Afternoon Tea.
The rest of the month I’ll be digging up the spent annuals and putting a lot of the garden to bed. I’ve started editing the gravel garden for winter structure as this is the garden I get to see from the house - I love to have winter interest.
I’m planning more days in coffee shops, book shops and afternoons by the fire designing ceramics. There will be much work to do in the studio as Christmas gets near. I will have ceramic collections coming from now till the beginning of December so stay tuned for those.
I’ll also be offering Christmas wreaths soon available for local collection.
I think that’s about it and I hope it’s uplifted you in some way - either through my photos or inspired you to get outside or go for a coffee.
Enjoy the rest of October.
Emma x
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